Just to clarify things, day tickets for Throop and the lower Stour are now on sale. Guest tickets can be purchased by members for waters where they are allowed.
The carp are now spawning on Hightown and Northfield Lakes. Please do the right thing and allow them to get on with it. Do not fish for the carp during this time.
The club is pleased to announce that from this Saturday 1st May Members will be able to obtain a day ticket free of charge to fish the following lakes at Todber Manor:
Homeground, Ash, Firs, Hill view, Whitepost top and bottom lakes.
Present your membership card at the tackle shop prior to accessing the fishery. Members are limited to 3 days fishing in each calendar month.
Members must adhere to fishery rules available at www.todbermanor.co.uk , it is advised that members call the fishery on 01258820384 prior to travelling to check for lakes being closed for matches.